Suggested further reading

the French tradition (tarot de Marseille)

The Marseille Tarot Revealed by Yoav Ben-Dov
a great beginner's book, and the card interpretations used in this website

Way of Tarot: The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marianne Costa
rich and complex interpretations of the Marseille tarot

Seeing The World by Jean Claude Flornoy
a fascinating book by the restorer of the tarots of Dodal and Noblet, linking the tarot to the history of the Compagnons du Devoir

Meditations on the Tarot by Victor Tomberg
for those who want to go deeper...

the English tradition (Waite, Case, Crowley, etc)

Tarot of the Magicians by Oswald Wirth
a bridge from the French tradition to the work of the English and American occultists that followed

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A. E. Waite
Arthur Waite's explanations of Pamela Coleman Smith's ubiquitous tarot deck

The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case
Paul Case's reworking of the Waite-Smith deck with deeper Qabalistic insights

The Book of Thoth by Alesiter Crowley
Crowley's magnum opus, a detailed exposition of his recreation of the tarot as painted by Freida Harris

academic studies

A Wicked Pack of Cards: Origins of the Occult Tarot by Decker, Depaulis and Dummett
a great antidote to some of the craziness of the above publications, focusing on the documented and provable history of the cards and their use as a game

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