trumps (or majors, keys, atus)

Some say the journey of Le Fol (Le Mat, The Fool), the arcanum with no number...

  1. Le Bateleur (literally The Fool, but more usually The Juggler or The Magician)
  2. La Pances (The Popess, later The High Priestess)
  3. Imperatris (The Empress)
  4. L'Empereur (The Emperor)
  5. Le Pape (The Pope, later The Hierophant)
  6. L'Amoureu (The Lover, later The Lovers)
  7. Le Charior (The Chariot)
  8. Justice (Justice)
  9. L'Ermite (The Hermit)
  10. La Roue de Fortun (The Wheel of Fortune)
  11. Force (Strength)
  12. Le Pandu (The Hanged Man)
  13. 13 (the arcanum with no name, but Death in many decks)
  14. Temperance (Temperance)
  15. Le Diable (The Devil)
  16. La Maison Dieu (The House of God, later The Tower)
  17. L'etoille (The Star)
  18. La Lune (The Moon)
  19. Le Soleil (The Sun)
  20. Le Jugement (Judgement)
  21. Lemonde (The World)

There's a huge amount of literature about the tarot; I've put together a short list of some suggested further reading here.

cups (or hearts) 🜄

the heart - emotional and spiritual life

swords (or spades) 🜁

the mind - intellect, division and confrontation

coins (or diamonds) 🜃

the body - material matters, money and work

wands (or clubs) 🜂

the creative urge - desire, ambition and striving